  If you think that
  • that Cochrane is from Alpha Centauri
  • that he never saw a Vulcan in real life (till Spock)
  • the first Warp-Ship was called Bonaventure
  • Vulcans were happy to get a constition ship called Intrepid
  • Vulcans were friendly and full of logic without emotions
  • Vulcans (Pon'Far aso.) were a mystery to the humans in the time of Spock, because they did not know each other very long

you are wrong!

Some parts of the original Romulan and Vulcan history is still true. But in the meantime they have changed a lot!

Cochrain was from Earth, United States of America. He made the first Contact with the Vulcans 5. April 2063, because he build the first Warp-Ship. Its name was Phoenix. Later he went to Alpha Centauri.

Page created 15.09.2003 by Markus Just (markus4mail@gmail.com)
Last modified 15.03.2015 by Markus Just (markus4mail@gmail.com)